What is the bioliq® project?
The bioliq® project at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) aimed to develop and demonstrate a process for the production of synthetic fuels from biogenic residues on an industrial scale. A pilot plant was set up and operated at KIT between 2006 and 2011 as a research platform and to demonstrate the bioliq® concept. The research and development work on the sub-technologies of the bioliq® process is being continued in KIT's Carbon Cycle Lab (CCLab (https://carboncyclelab.itc.kit.edu/tour/01-intro/)).
How does the bioliq® process work?
In the bioliq® process, biomass is thermo-chemically broken down in several stages. This produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide as the smallest chemical building blocks, which can then be converted into synthetic fuels and other chemical base materials using chemical catalysts.
What is special about the bioliq® concept?
bioliq® primarily utilises residual materials from agriculture and forestry. For this reason, the process is divided into decentralised pre-treatment for energy compression of the widely distributed biomass and centralised further processing of the product generated there (biosyncrude).
What is Biosyncrude?
Biosyncrude is generated by the decentralized conversion of biomass via fast pyrolysis. At 500 °C the biomass is converted into pyrolysis oil and pyrolysis char. The char is mixed with the oil to form a liquid energy mixture, the biosyncrude. The energy of the biosyncrude is densified by a factor of 10 to 15 compared to the biomass. The heating value of the biosyncrude can be up to 25 MJ/kg (similar to coal).
What is synthesis gas?
In the centralised plants, biosyncrude is converted into synthesis gas at temperatures of over 1000 °C. The high temperatures are achieved by adding oxygen. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are produced in a ratio of around 1:1. The high temperatures are achieved by adding oxygen. This also produces CO2 and water vapour as well as small quantities of other by-products (e.g. HCl, H2S), which must be separated in a gas scrubber.
Which products can generally be produced using the bioliq® process?
Synthesis gas can be used to produce all major types of fuel (diesel, petrol, paraffin) and many chemical base materials.
What product is produced at the bioliq® pilot plant?
In a modified form of the methanol-to-gasoline process (MtG), synthesis gas is first converted into dimethyl ether (DME) at the bioliq® pilot plant, which offers thermodynamic and technical advantages. This is then converted into high-octane petrol.
What process stages does the bioliq® process consist of?
- Shredding of the biomass supplied
- Fast pyrolysis
- Biosyncrude production
- High-pressure entrained-flow gasification
- High-temperature gas purification and conditioning
- Fuel synthesis
How does bioliq® help to fulfil climate protection targets?
The European Community measures the value of a biofuel by the amount of fossil-generated CO2 that is saved during its production and use. Across the entire process chain from the field to the road, the bioliq® process saves over 85%.
Who funded the bioliq® development?
The bioliq® pilot plant was built with the help of funding from the Federal Government (BMEL), the state of Baden-Württemberg and the European Union. The construction and operation of the individual plants are supported by industrial partners. The investment costs for the pilot plant totalled around EUR 64 million. The operation of the entire facility at KIT was financed as part of the Helmholtz Association's programme-oriented funding. The project ended in December 2024.
How compatible is bioliq® fuel with other fuels and vehicle engines?
The fuels produced using the bioliq® process are fully compatible with conventional fuels and can therefore be used without restriction in the engines of the existing fleet.
Which raw materials can be used with bioliq®?
All types of dry, lignocellulosic biomass with typically less than 15 % water. Preference is given to agricultural and forestry residues, including those with a high ash content such as cereal straw and other fast-growing biomasses.
How much energy from the biomass ends up in the tank?
A third of the energy contained in the biomass ends up in the tank, the rest is utilised in the form of heat and electricity to cover the energy requirements of the entire process. This is how the high CO2 reduction potential is achieved.
How much straw is needed for one litre of fuel?
Depending on the biomass, 8 - 10 kg of biomass is needed for 1 kg of fuel.
What advantages does bioliq® offer compared to today's biofuels?
- Broad range of raw materials
- No competition for use or land with food production
- Existing fuel infrastructure can be utilised without modification
- No changes to vehicle technology necessary
- No change in driving habits (range)
- Wide range of fuel types can be produced
- Can be customised (‘designer fuels’) for more advanced engine types
What is the purpose of the bioliq® plant in Karlsruhe?
The bioliq® pilot plant is used to determine mass and energy balances, to learn how the plant operates, to demonstrate its suitability for practical use and feedstock flexibility, and much more. A team of engineers, mechanics and electricians are available to operate the plant for around 1000 hours a year.
How can agriculture and forestry benefit from bioliq®?
Agriculture and forestry can benefit above all from the decentralised process stage. There, they are not only producers and suppliers of the biomass used, but can also participate in the added value.
Where do I obtain further information on bioliq®?
Please see here: www.bioliq.de
When will bioliq® fuel be available?
Several tonnes of fuel have been produced at the bioliq plant for research purposes and successfully tested in application tests with partners from the automotive industry. Production on a tonne scale (reFuels (https://www.refuels.de/index.php))
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